Our Mission
Here at New Life Church our Mission is to Reach, Teach, Love and Serve. Jesus has commanded all believers to “Go and Make disciples” These four tenants are our mission.
This is our Ministry’s Mission Statement. John 10:10 (AMP) reads, “I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).” In this verse, Jesus informs us of why He came, to give us a new life, to enjoy and have to the full until it overflows.

Our Vision
Here at New Life Church, Our Vision Is to create a culture that promotes Jesus Christ through Faith, Family, Fellowship and Successful Living. We are taking this city for Jesus! Habakkuk 2:3
Faith Place will be our headquarters. It will include not just a sanctuary, but daycare center, schools for children, ministry and business.
Partners will also be able to fellowship in various venues such as Hebrews Cafe, Koinonia Restaurant or take in a play, show or musical at the Faith Place Theater.
We will provide housing for our seniors and our partners will fellowship in various venues such as Hebrews Café, Koinonia restaurant, and The Faith Place Theater to take in a play, musical and other live entertainment.
We intend to take our community and then this city for Jesus!